Yoga is a great exercise to do during pregnancy. If you’d like to try to do some at home, then here is a NHS prenatal and postnatal yoga video to help guide you. However, in addition to the gentle stretching and breathing exercises, there are other benefits to going to a class if you can make one. In some pregnancy yoga classes, you do a half termly course with the same group of women and build up a good network of mum friends, as well as having time during the course to explore topics related to childbirth and babies. Most yoga teachers offer classes from 14 weeks pregnancy, but be sure to check.

Aurea Kelvin – classes in Lancaster on Wednesday evenings
0777 923 2866

Nicola Garrett – classes in Lancaster on Monday & Thursday evenings
07872 517336

Kate Jones – classes in Staveley on Friday evenings

Tracy Dixon, The Kirkland Centre, Kendal LA9 5AF
classes starting after Easter 2019 on Fridays at 1pm.
0709 594 947