Feelgood Parenthood Hypnobirthing

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m Kirstie, a qualified KG HypnoBirthing Coach and I’m here to help you to feel calm, empowered, and positive about your birth. I offer group and private HypnoBirthing Classes in North Lancashire, South Cumbria and Furness.
The KG HypnoBirthing course that I will guide you through is a complete antenatal and relaxation programme.

During the class we cover:
- the logic of KG HypnoBirthing
- the physiology of birth
- your birth choices
- preparation for birth
- breathing and visualisations
- relaxation tools and techniques
- and importantly, we’ll work together to replace any fears you may have surrounding birth with a sense of empowerment, confidence and calm so you can look forward to the best birth for you, however that looks.
It’s the perfect start on your journey to feelgood parenthood! To book a private or group class, or for more information:
website: feelgoodparenthood.co.uk
email: kirstie@feelgoodparenthood.co.uk
facebook: facebook.com/feelgoodparenthoodhypnobirthing
instagram: instagram.com/feelgoodparenthood
Other teachers in the area:
Jean Anderson – Hypnobirthing Lancashire and Cumbria
0791 3389009
Janet Naylor – Hypnobirthing Cumbria
07815 807693
Emily Shepherd – Hypnobirthing Haven