If you have info on classes definitely running that aren’t yet up here, please email me info at abi@babymaze.co.uk and I’ll get it up here.
For free classes at Lune Park, Poulton, Westgate or Carnforth Neighbourhood Centre, see the page for Children and Family Wellbeing Service

Tots Play Lancaster
Venue: The Centre@Halton, Low Road
Contact: Lauren (laurenh@totsplay.co.uk)
Social Tots (8 months to 2 years 5 months) 9.50-10.30
Discovery Tots 10.50-11.30
Stay and Sensory Play 11.50-12.30
Discovery Tots and Social Tots weekly classes – £27p/m (why not come and have a trial – 2 sessions for £13)
Bookings: https://www.totsplay.co.uk/lancaster
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Totsplaylancaster
“Every Class Your Child Needs in One”
Come and join our fun, friendly, multi-activity baby and toddler classes! Suitable from birth, our award -winning, multi-activity classes are a wonderful mix of baby massage, yoga, sign language, sensory, music, physical play & more!
Read more and see ALL times and venues in our Tots Play Lancaster – full details post
Yoma Baby Parent and Baby Yoga Classes with Aurea Kelvin
Yoma Explorers @ The Storey Institute, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TH
Yoma Baby @ Lancaster Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TX
9:30-10:30 Yoma Explorers – for crawlers/walkers up to 22 months
11:00-12:00 Yoma baby- for pre-crawling babies from 12 weeks onwards
Cost: £7.50 per class for termly bookings, only £1 more per class for twins.
Yoma Baby parent and baby yoga classes are fun, friendly movement classes. You’ll learn adapted yoga moves to do with your little one that will encourage their flexibility, strength, and stimulate healthy brain development. At the same time, you’ll be doing gentle yoga moves that can help you relax, regain strength and feel healthier. Classes include singing and finish with a guided relaxation. Previous yoga experience is not necessary and all fitness levels are welcome.
Bookings: contact Aurea at info@aureakelvin.com or 07779232866
Facebook: Aurea Kelvin – pregnancy, postnatal and baby classes and support | Facebook
Website: www.aureakelvin.com

diddi dance
Venue: Scotforth St Pauls Parish Hall, Scotforth Rd, Lancaster LA1 4ST
Times: 10am – walking to 5 years; 11.15am baby class, sitting to crawling
Contact: Nicola 07738406349
Booking: https://booking.diddidance.com
The diddi dance brand new sitting to walking classes are a very first introduction to moving to music.
The walking to 5 years classes are suitable for all those children who are steady on their feet and able to follow some simple instructions independently, we focus more on stylised moves and physically moving to music to explore a different dance style.
Barton Road Centre Play Cafe
Venue: Barton Road Centre, Barton Road, LA1 4ER
Time: 10am-11.45am
Age: babies, toddlers and preschoolers
Booking: this is a drop-in group
It’s the perfect setting to get together with friends, eat cake and have a good old natter . And… the toy cupboard doors are open so play is the order of the day!

Venue: Ellel Village Hall, Main Rd, Galgate, Lancaster LA2 0LQ
Cost: £7.00 per class for termly bookings, (one-off trial class £7), 50% sibling discount
9.30 Happy House – Confident walkers
10.40 Baby Beeps – From Sitting (including crawlers)
11.50 Baby Bells – Newborn to Sitting
Hartbeeps creates magical, musical adventures for your child’s early years, taking you and your little one on a sound journey and bringing the story to life. Expect puppets, props, music, lighting effects, parachutes, music, drama, creative play, dance and movement (dependent on age) – all with a sprinkling of magic. Get more details here.
Halton Baby and Toddler Group
Venue: The Centre @ Halton, Low Rd, Halton, Lancaster, LA2 6NB
Tel: 01524 811316 – Naomi
Cost: no charge, donations welcome
Time: 9.15 – 11.00am, term time only
A fun and friendly session for babies and toddlers to play and parents and carers to meet. There is a selection of toys, ride ons, puzzles, books and games. We have a quieter area with baby toys and play mats. We finish up with song time and musical instruments.
Tuesdays in term time only. 9.15 – 11.00am. Please use the Coffee Shop side entrance. There is currently no charge but donations towards The Centre’s ongoing fundraising efforts are welcome. The Coffee Shop will be open for you to purchase refreshments.
Venue: St James’s Hall, Heysham
Times: 10am
Contact: Michelle 07929616158, m_douglas23@hotmail.co.uk, or Zumba Michelle on Facebook
Zumbini combines music, dance and educational tools for 45min of bonding, learning and fun. Suitable for babies up to age 4 pre-school children.
Little Blossoms Parent and Toddler Group
Venue: Torrisholme Methodist Church, LA4 6LT
Cost: £2 for 1 adult and 1 child, additional siblings 50p each
Time: 10am-11.45am, booking essential
Booking: message the Little Blossoms Facebook page to book the dates you want.
Poulton Playtime
Email: suzanneshearsby@hotmail.co.uk
Cost: £1.50 per family
Time: 10am-11.30am drop-in group
Baby/toddler group including lots of toys, craft activities, baby area, drinks and snacks for the children and tea and coffee for the grown ups. Everyone welcome.
South Lakes

Rhythm Time
Venue: Croftlands Community Hall, Ulverston
Every baby, toddler and pre-schooler is an individual with great potential. We’ll teach you how to make music fun for your child, and show you how you can help to unlock their potential by singing and making music together. Amazing isn’t it?
Time: Various sessions throughout the day toddlers (14months to 3 years ), Babies ( 0 to 13months) ,Pre school (3 to 5 years)
To book a free session go to : www.rhythmtime.net

Venue: Castle Street Community Centre
Cost: £7.00 per class for termly bookings, (one-off trial class £7), 50% sibling discount
9.30 Happy House – Confident walkers
10.35 Baby Beeps – From Sitting (including crawlers)
11.45 Baby Bells – Newborn to Sitting
Hartbeeps creates magical, musical adventures for your child’s early years, taking you and your little one on a sound journey and bringing the story to life. Expect puppets, props, music, lighting effects, parachutes, music, drama, creative play, dance and movement (dependent on age) – all with a sprinkling of magic. Get more details here.